A large scale Warner Bros theme park has been in development in Chongqing, one of the largest cities in China, since at least 2019. This potential theme park would be a partnership between Warner Bros. Discovery and Village Roadshow. Village Roadshow already owns Warner Bros. Movie World in Australia, and operates Lionsgate Entertainment World in Zhuhai, China and Wet'n'Wild Haikou in Hainan, China.
This theme park project is to be located in Longsheng New City, Liangjiang New Area which is in the northeast area of Chongqing. The plot of land is along the Yulin River and about 988 acres in size (which is not just the theme park but also for hotels, surrounding infrastructure, future expansion, etc.).
The vision is for Warner Bros World Chongqing to be at the same level as Shanghai Disneyland and Universal Studios Beijing. This project is currently being referred to as “Liangjiang International Tourism Resort” which is similar to how Shanghai Disneyland is in “Shanghai International Resort Area” and Universal Studios Beijing is in “Beijing Tongzhou Cultural Tourism Zone”. Another name for the project is 华纳威秀文旅项目 which translates to “Warner Village Cultural Tourism Project”.
The planned investment is 32.5 billion yuan which is over $4.5 billion.
Paraphrased translation:
This aerial photo shows the future site of the theme park:Warner Bros. Discovery, Village Roadshow and the Liangjiang New District Management Committee will designate a subordinate state-owned company, invite central enterprises and municipal state-owned enterprises to jointly invest and build it.
This image shows the outline of the site:
Sources: https://www.cqljjt.com/article/1201.html and https://whlyw.cq.gov.cn/zwxx_221/ztzl/wlcy/zxcq/202412/P020241209610477302300.pdf and https://whlyw.cq.gov.cn/zwxx_221/ztzl/wlcy/zxcq/202412/t20241209_13874776.html and https://www.cqpac.com/html/content/23/03/134.shtml and https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/REyglOgltnTP19gMPLTUIA and https://www.beibei.gov.cn/zwgk_239/zcwj/qtwj/202303/t20230308_11725219.html and https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2w_ABjhj75-rDC5TLS0Fyw and https://www.douyin.com/zhuanti/7288743449971509248 and https://go.cqmmgo.com/forum-314-thread-77751695703266755-1-1.html and https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1641006459873473793&wfr=spider&for=pc and http://m.langruijingguan.cn/displaynews.html?id=3464370492490560 and https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1654269776760669991&wfr=spider&for=pc and http://www.cciserv.com/content/2022-01/05/content_10288099.htm