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Local Name:
Vidanta World
Former Name(s):
Celebrate Project, The Park
12 Nov 2014
Construction Start:
Sep 2015
47 ha
  1. Theme Park Design is offline themeparX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Cirque du Soleil Set Design: Mexico Theme Park Concept Art by Legacy Entertainment

    During the early development phases of Vidanta World, one concept explored was that of a nighttime-only theme park. This approach was driven by the lack of nighttime experiences available in the Puerto Vallarta market. In addition to highly-immersive shopping and dining experiences, this 'Village of the Moon' would have also been home to rides and Cirque du Soleil immersive theater experiences.

  2. Michael is offline themeparX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

  3. -- One last comment. I did take the gondola, and I can report that there is a lot more construction activity there than any pictures or videos I have seen here and elsewhere in the past. The person I was with also said that a lot of the infrastructure for the park is underground (like Disney) and is in an advanced state of development and already buried. He said that visible development will be happening quickly now, and he also told me that a boardwalk area in the park will open by November. This was allegedly from a briefing done for staff. I have heard dates come and go, but this did sound specific enough to be believable.

  4. Michael is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    In the very last seconds of the video I see some rebar sticking out of construction in the background. I'm assuming because of the route of the gondola cables overhead, we are looking towards the river at that point. The rebar reminded me of the bridge foundations i saw on the other side of the river when I toured the Estates units. But that is all I have to go on. If I had to argue against my own point it is unlikely they would make any part of a bridge out of wood, but they do only carry golf carts. I should have brought a drone with me and sent you the files. Thanks again, and as I said, I could be wrong and this be the end of a wooden rollercoaster. Frankly, that would make me more excited than a bridge for golf carts!
    Thank you and yes if ever go back to Vidanta and bring your drone we would love to see photos of the construction progress and to any one who is reading this post if you are at Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta we would love to see your photos of Vidanta World whether they taken from a drone, SkyDream, or the ground.

  5. In the very last seconds of the video I see some rebar sticking out of construction in the background. I'm assuming because of the route of the gondola cables overhead, we are looking towards the river at that point. The rebar reminded me of the bridge foundations i saw on the other side of the river when I toured the Estates units. But that is all I have to go on. If I had to argue against my own point it is unlikely they would make any part of a bridge out of wood, but they do only carry golf carts. I should have brought a drone with me and sent you the files. Thanks again, and as I said, I could be wrong and this be the end of a wooden rollercoaster. Frankly, that would make me more excited than a bridge for golf carts!

  6. Michael is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    I was there 30 days ago

    This video seems to be before the gondola stop by the KOS and the entrance to the park. They were pouring concrete foundations when I was there last. I was told this area was getting flooded but it doesn’t make sense looking at the elevations of walkways

    Also there are plans for a new or widened golf bridge connecting the new estates to the existing resort

    Thank you Douglas!

  7. Michael is offline themeparX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    I could be wrong about that of course. (It does look like a ride, but I was there a few weeks ago and they were doing construction on the new bridge in that vicinity) In any event, thanks for your posts Michael. I follow the developments and your intel is very much appreciated.
    Thank you I'm glad that you appreciate my posts! At the beginning of the video I thought it was showing Vidanta World's SkyDream station on the back right and the back left was the theme park so the person filming the video was standing north east of the newly built tennis courts on the north side of the Ameca River. Where are you thinking the video was taken from and which SkyDream station is that in the video?

  8. I was there 30 days ago

    This video seems to be before the gondola stop by the KOS and the entrance to the park. They were pouring concrete foundations when I was there last. I was told this area was getting flooded but it doesn’t make sense looking at the elevations of walkways

    Also there are plans for a new or widened golf bridge connecting the new estates to the existing resort


  9. I could be wrong about that of course. (It does look like a ride, but I was there a few weeks ago and they were doing construction on the new bridge in that vicinity) In any event, thanks for your posts Michael. I follow the developments and your intel is very much appreciated.

  10. I believe this is for the 2nd bridge being built to connect the new Estates units which are on the other side of the Ameca River. Not directly Park related, but does show continued development.

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