A far look at the park from the airport. That will get more attention from tourists.
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A far look at the park from the airport. That will get more attention from tourists.
We are proud to introduce our extraordinary Theme Park team that begins operations today.✨
💫More than 300 pioneers from different areas join this new dream that will be the beginning of a revolutionary stage in the entertainment and hospitality industry.🎡
🎠 We wish our colleagues much success in this new story.
According to Vidanta's Instagram, exclusive private previews of the first phase of Vidanta World will take place from August 1 to November 12.
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CtpOypcs7l8/
Instagram reel shows off park
Sources: https://www.facebook.com/100000989853119/posts/pfbid0wa51Q1xxCQFxnSsmEVJa6Mu9p5uGoUg19xBdGdpjqsRvAthuWnGXpw81XvrZGkMUl/ and https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02DgafVUsY6WJTiGieMJ7hmvCL5EwBDhQwAd3A8fC7dBrCpPboMv2iQJdJAjD2R6jkl&id=100004896618142 and https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02DgafVUsY6WJTiGieMJ7hmvCL5EwBDhQwAd3A8fC7dBrCpPboMv2iQJdJAjD2R6jkl&id=100004896618142