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Local Name:
Universal Studios Singapore
03 Apr 2019
Construction Start:
26 May 2022
  1. coasterpix is offline Senior Park Investigator
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Universal is looking for an Art Director for USS, which will be situated in Orlando until 2027 and then relocated to Singapore until 2029.
    Is this aligning with any projects we know about? Super Nintendo World?


  2. Michael is offline themeparX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

  3. Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    I thought this ride already existed in Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness at Universal Beijing? So it won't be considered an "original ride" exclusive to USS. It should be called a cloned ride lol, like Hulk roller coaster at Universal Orlando has been cloned into Transformers roller coaster at Universal Beijing.
    Yep, from the looks of it it's just a clone ride with it customized to be Minion-themed. It was stupidly misleading to call it an "exclusive ride" when it was just a generic children's ride.

  4. I thought this ride already existed in Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness at Universal Beijing? So it won't be considered an "original ride" exclusive to USS. It should be called a cloned ride lol, like Hulk roller coaster at Universal Orlando has been cloned into Transformers roller coaster at Universal Beijing.

  5. Should be in the latest concept art of Minion Land, however it’s just like the Pterodactyl Flyer thing in the Jurassic Park area, but custom made to be Minion-themed, sort of like a hot air balloon ride made for children that goes around in circles.

  6. What's the original ride exclusive for USS?

  7. What does Minion Land look like now?

  8. During USS VIP tour, the tour guide mentioned the Minion Land will be ready by the end of this year but not sure its soft open or officially open to public.

  9. I went today and on Enchanted Airways, you get a good view of the whole area. The structure for Gru's house seems pretty complete and the stores had their structures complete. The whole area is really coming to life and it fills up a good area of the Madagascar area but I feel like the show building is not being used (much) so there's extra space.

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