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Local Name:
Universal Studios Singapore
03 Apr 2019
Construction Start:
26 May 2022
  1. Amazing how cleverly they using the space here.

  2. Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    USH's is actually slightly bigger. Based on measurements from Google Earth, the non-Mariokart portion of USH Nintendo World is about 5500 m^2, while the non-Mariokart portion of the future USS Nintendo World is about 4800 m^2.
    Only 1 Mario kart ride will be a waste and sad case for USS's SNW. There's rumored for USH will be getting DK expansion if they decide to relocate those soundstages there; but for USS wise seems like a "death penalty" forever.

  3. USH's is actually slightly bigger. Based on measurements from Google Earth, the non-Mariokart portion of USH Nintendo World is about 5500 m^2, while the non-Mariokart portion of the future USS Nintendo World is about 4800 m^2.

  4. Wow SNW seems like downscaled exactly the same size with USH w/o Donkey Kong expansion space.

  5. Predicted part of golf course will be taking for RWS2.0/USS from masterplan.

  6. If RWS/USS has planning to take over the golf course for future expansion/SNW or even RWS future attractions, is it they have to wait till 2031? Attached image has shown the lease of Serapong golf course only will be expired on end of 2030 thats mean we will only see the SNW around 2031 or 2032 lol

  7. ClintonHT is offline Senior Park Investigator
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    RWS 2.0 which includes SNW will take a lot before details are released - the plan has USS taking over some of the golf course and the rest of the golf course being used for other RWS development. SNW will move forward; But the scale will depend on RWS2.0 approvals.

  8. This source seemed like already out of date for quite long lol. No any trustable source is conforming whats SNW status and information now, either cancel, pause or replan(location?)

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