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Local Name:
универсальные студии
12 Apr 2012
Construction Start:
on hold
19 ha
  1. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    This is the site on Google Earth as of 16th May 2019, if you go back through the history of the site the only construction is the apartment blocks in the left hand corner of the site. Everything else is the same as it was in 2018 and even further back than that there are not many changes to that site at all.

    Two options:

    1. That site was never the right site anyway. We don't have any other potential site ever mentioned in concept art or press releases so this seems unlikely. There did seem to be some movement at times but nothing ever came of them so it seems unlikely they are building somewhere else and we have missed it.

    2. This project never got off the ground. This is much more likely.

    Would be interested to see if anyone has any other information on what became of this project but I think it's completely forgotten.

  2. Two years later, what's the latest update on this?

  3. Universal Moscow is not dead yet. Translated news article from this month:


    The Universal Studios theme park, which A101 Development is to build, is planned to be launched in the first half of 2018, Dmitry Volkov, commercial director of the A101 group of companies, told the Moscow City News Agency.

    "Since we have now changed the place of accommodation (initially this was all worked out at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the Warsaw Highway, and now we are considering this on the Kaluga highway section, between the Kaluga Highway and the understudy), some things had to be changed in the preliminary concept. So for a full-fledged design we will not leave until the first half of next year, "- said D. Volkov.

    Earlier, the head of the Moscow department of development of new territories, Vladimir Zhidkin, told the Moscow agency that the amount of investment in the project could amount to about $ 2.5 billion.

    JSC "A101 Development" specializes in the construction of real estate. During 23 years of work in the construction industry, more than 40,000 apartments with a total area of ​​more than 1 million square meters have been built. The land bank of the company, which is part of the industrial and financial groups "Safmar", is more than 2.5 thousand hectares in the territory of Tienna.

  4. The location has changed.

  5. TheRantanplan is offline Curious Chap
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Recent pictures. Nothing happened on site since 2012.

  6. Michael is offline themeparX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    From what I have been told, this project is not dead so the potential is still there but at the same time little to no progress is being made on the park.

  7. Insider scoop. It won't get built. Wait and see.

  8. Nope. Going ahead.

    According to Russian media reports, NBC Universal could break ground on its own Moscow-based theme park — in the works for years — early next year. All three parks are scheduled to open in 2018.
    The entertainment and retail segments are doing well in Russia despite the overall economic downturn, making projects of that kind popular with investors.

    So popular, in fact, that NBC Universal and DreamWorks are going ahead with their separate theme parks despite NBCU's takeover of DreamWorks Animation earlier this year.
    Source: Hollywood Reporter (they would know)

  9. What happened? Cancelled?

  10. Is this still a go? I know a lot of Universal guys who were busy with this park a couple of years ago..

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