Two more new photos that mainly show the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride building and the Hogwarts Castle exterior:
Send your construction pics to content_at_themeparxdotcom
Two more new photos that mainly show the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride building and the Hogwarts Castle exterior:
A fire drill took place recently at the Transformers: The Ride 3D building
In the background of this last photo you can see the flat ride and roller coaster
In the first and third photo you can see the steel structure of Jurassic World's mountain beginning to rise behind what will be the glass dome (when guests enter the park the mountain will be in front of the dome)
Sources: and
Video of the park:
Samples of or actual pieces of theming are arriving on site. Pictured are I believe the exterior walls to Transformers: The Ride 3D. There's also some small brown rock-like pieces that are probably for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Jurassic World, or Kung Fu Panda.
These photos taken at night are I believe from the Minions/Despicable Me area
Sources: and
A new local news video shows some great views of the park
Track installation on the Transformers coaster is almost complete - check the video for more angles
This is the back of the Kung Fu Panda indoor boat ride building
Construction is going according to schedule for a Spring 2021 opening
The resort's transit station is coming along nicely
Sources: and and and
Great new photo of the Transformers roller coaster
In this photo the people are standing at WaterWorld's stadium seating and in the background is the indoor Kung Fu Panda area.
Sources: and
With the focus of the Beijing Government on reduction of air pollution, all constructions site must cover exposed, loose soil with netting or cloth to prevent any dust from becoming airborne. This is now a national requirement that affects all construction site. If for some reason coverings are not available, they can hose the land down with water to prevent "sand storms" this does not include compacted soil or overgrown land.
Thank You,
That would make a lot of sense.