Jurassic Flyers has officially openened today:
Send your construction pics to content_at_themeparxdotcom
Jurassic Flyers has officially openened today:
Check back soon for a Jurassic Flyers update because it may have opened to guests today...
Sources: https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_14719834 and https://finance.sina.com.cn/jjxw/2021-10-08/doc-iktzqtyu0161417.shtml
Team Member previews have begun for Jurassic Flyers! I will of course be sharing a better quality full POV video and nicer photos as they are posted so keep checking back...
Load station:
The ride will have great views of the park:
Full POV: http://xhslink.com/5yVZde
Full POV: https://www.ixigua.com/7011547334249021955
Partial POV: https://www.ixigua.com/7011846790559465988
Load station: https://www.ixigua.com/7011718868855063044
Load station: http://xhslink.com/iXPZde
Sources: http://xhslink.com/6DQZde and http://xhslink.com/OxQZde