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  1. MouseEars is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Mar 2020

    Aerial view of where track will pass through a show scene in the unannounced Jurassic Park roller coaster. Note the track supports at floor level. The multiple level building is built next to a new retaining wall at Discovery Center.


  2. MouseEars is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Mar 2020
    Images from the 13th May of construction to the unannounced Islands of Adventure coaster


  3. chris.t.mills is offline Park Investigator
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    Aug 2019

    Jurassic Park Coaster

    At first I thought the photo of the launch was the initial launch, but I believe what we are looking at is the second of two launches. This will be an amazing experience as a rider is most likely accelerating at high velocity through a dark tunnel towards the light. Upon leaving the tunnel guests may skim the water briefly at high speed, and based upon the layout of concrete piles, will probably climb high while making a sharp left turn. I suspect this will be the most intense moment of the ride.

    This will be a highly visible and prominent ride with about half the track over pedestrian areas and water. It is also visible from across the Islands of Adventure Lagoon not long after you enter the park. To have one of the most intense moments of the ride in a more public and open space will definitely lure in more riders. While the ride is probably more focused on intensity and speed and not so much theming and story, I'm hoping creators make the most of a dramatic moment, perhaps the sounds of velociraptors chasing after the ride vehicles during the second launch. I'm thinking of something like the launch sounds on the Hulk ride that grabs your attention as a pedestrian to look, draw you in, and make you want to get in line. The linked video below features this.

    To the left of the launch in the photo is most likely a maintenance bay. The tower is probably more of a set or prop item, and I'm guess would be themed as a watch tower. The back area of the ride (hidden from pedestrian view), could maybe have more vegetation and be loosely themed as a velociraptor pen. But that's just some speculation.

    There are some speculated ride path diagrams out there that seem to match the concrete pilings pretty closely. This is one of the more detailed ones at Orlando Park Stop:

    One enthusiast by the name of Ethan G on Youtube has already modeled this in the No Limits Simulator here:

  4. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    @wesh2 flew over the parks today for a LIVE view of what was going. Here are a few screenshots from the video.

    Check out all of the new vertical construction for the Jurassic rollercoaster project! Looks like the pieces we saw before are up! We expect to see a lot more progress on the site over the next few weeks and hopefully WESH2 will be able to showcase again!

  5. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Aerial view of the launch area of the unannounced Jurassic Park roller coaster. Bottom arrow shows exit of launch, under a service road. Middle arrow at a recently added dividing wall. Right arrow at upcoming concrete pours.

  6. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    It is believed that the permanent home of the Raptor Encounter is being built next to Pizza Predattoria. Seems to be a freshly poured oval of concrete in the site. Aerial photos Mar 16.

  7. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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  8. kristian99 is offline New User
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    Aug 2019

    New coaster Islands of Adventure

    Universal Orlando's new unannounced Jurassic roller coaster project has gone vertical!


  9. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Dec 2015

    Aerial overview of the unannounced Jurassic Park project.

  10. ragerunner is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Jul 2018

    Jurassic Coaster Construction Update

    Universal's Islands of Adventures new Jurassic themed coaster site work continues. Including retaining walls being installed along the waterfront.

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