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  1. Planning application has been delayed and raises doubts over opening date:

  2. Tala is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Nov 2015
    Some disputes about relocating affected establishments....

    Last year, developers delayed their planning application for a second time to the summer of this year, saying they needed more time to create a thorough submission for Greg Clark, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, who will make the final decision on whether it is approved.
    Peninsula Management Group says no meaningful negotiations have taken place with businesses on the site, with relocation expected to take at least another 18 months to complete.

  3. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Dec 2015
    ...and just to keep our hopes alive here is the Kent Online talking to Steven Norris (London Paramount Chairman) about regeneration of the area, the middle-eastern backers of the project and the transport concerns.

    If all goes to plan, London Paramount will open its doors in 2021
    Now that is a sentence filled with possibility! I like the use of the word "if".

  4. Firefingers is offline Park Investigator
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    Jan 2016
    Yes, I am sure the delay is down to the transport plans being inadequate. Although 100 million much, it is a decent start, and with Merlin running into difficulties but the British consumer left without alternatives, now is the time for a large scale competitor to strike.

  5. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Dec 2015
    So just to update.

    On the 29th October 2015 Paramount announced officially that they had an initial £100million in funding from Sinofort for the project.

    However that is not really something to celebrate. £100million is not going to cover much in a project of £3.2billion and looking through the amount of consultation work still going on through this year without the funding the consultation process will take up most of this money without even getting to a construction phase.

    There has been some opposition to the park being built with concerns about transportation (both during construction and whilst open) being the main sticking point. This area is in desperate need of development however and the local economy would really benefit.

    I hope that we do see consultation to be positive and further investment to be attracted but with the deadline slipping by a year again and investors holding back investment money until further investigation is done it may be a failed project very soon.

  6. Will Paramount ever finish a park?


    "Chinese investment group SinoFortone agreed to invest £3.2bn in developing an amusement park in Ebbsfleet."


    This is fantastic news for the project!

  8. None of these Paramount projects ever see the light of day anyway.

  9. Bevy is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Feb 2015
    "London Paramount opening date pushed back for the second time"
    ...bosses have announced they will now submit the application in mid-2016.

    This means the attraction, if approved, will not open until 2021.

    London Paramount was originally set to open in 2019, which changed to 2020 after bosses reassessed the feasibility of their timescale.

    Now, the date has pushed back once again to 2021 in order to carry out further studies into the park's impact on transport and the environment.

    London Paramount chief executive David Testa said: "We have and will continue to carry out further environmental and transport studies to guarantee a robust Development Consent Order application, ensuring we get both the business and masterplan right while giving consideration to matters raised during the consultation process.

  10. New Development Consent Order submission date announced for London Paramount:

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