Stricking to bare facts.
(1) Latest news : "Tony Sefton leaves Paramount Kent"
(The news is in all Kent / London press, f.i.
… or, clean opportunity to leave in style before the ship is sinking ?
(2) Capital investment. Actual state.
London Resort Company Holdings (LRCH) is owned by Kuwaiti Investment since 1-1/2 year now. FACT.
However, read this very well and literally: LHCH, not Paramount Kent, is owned by... Kuwaiti.
If you OWN a company, you invested it's actual registered value. (No fairy tales)
Here is the REGISTERED business data overview, about LRCH, mid 2014.
Now compare with , quoted :
".... LRCH is driven by Kuwaiti European Holdings, bankrolled by the Al-Humaidi family. It is not funding the entire project, but it is providing the initial capital and actively spearheaded the key funding ..."
Source :
Make your own conclusions on the data...