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  1. Themeparkmad is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Sep 2020
    I agree LRCH are being very quiet about the park.
    I believe this is for two reasons:
    They are still in deals with BBC, ITV, Paramount, and as some people think, Universal.
    Or the plan was to never build a park and to just build up some hype so the public accepts it, then ditch the park and become a leisure facility!

    Hopefully we can get some vague details about the actual rides soon.

  2. Quote Originally Posted by Michael View Post
    I want to point out a few things regarding the design of the actual theme park at The London Resort which is, at least officially, still shrouded in mystery. Since December 2019 The London Resort has released two versions of the aerial overview concept art and unlike most concept art for anything, the newer version gets more obscure and indiscernible. Meanwhile as the design for the central area of the resort (waterpark, hotels, etc.) evolves that part of the concept art gets more detailed and accurate in the newer version...
    They are certainly being tight lipped about what attractions will be in the park. The castle as the centrepiece of the park is about the only thing that is more or less confirmed by PY Gerbeau, still got a feeling Universal are involved somehow.

  3. BenJacobs is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael View Post
    I want to point out a few things regarding the design of the actual theme park at The London Resort which is, at least officially, still shrouded in mystery. Since December 2019 The London Resort has released two versions of the aerial overview concept art and unlike most concept art for anything, the newer version gets more obscure and indiscernible. Meanwhile as the design for the central area of the resort (waterpark, hotels, etc.) evolves that part of the concept art gets more detailed and accurate in the newer version...
    The water coasters also share the same layout, and possibly Adventure City in Kunming is flipped to make part of The Studio in London. There will probably be more clones and similarities between the two.

  4. Michael is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    I want to point out a few things regarding the design of the actual theme park at The London Resort which is, at least officially, still shrouded in mystery. Since December 2019 The London Resort has released two versions of the aerial overview concept art and unlike most concept art for anything, the newer version gets more obscure and indiscernible. Meanwhile as the design for the central area of the resort (waterpark, hotels, etc.) evolves that part of the concept art gets more detailed and accurate in the newer version.

    First version:

    Second version:

    Let’s compare some of the structures shown in the layout of Paramount Park Kunming (released by the Kunming government as part of the official Environmental Impact Report) with some of the structures shown in the layout of The London Resort (released officially by The London Resort in December 2019):

    Full layout of Paramount Park Kunming

    Full layout of The London Resort (another version can be seen here:

    Part of ‘Lost Kingdom’ area at Paramount Park Kunming:

    The full ‘The Jungle’ area at The London Resort:

    Do you notice that they are almost identical? In both layouts, the top left building is probably a restaurant, then below that the other building is “Tomb Raider: The Game Begins”, which is a major indoor stunt show. Below the stunt show building in The London Resort’s version is a Splash Over from Mondial. Across from the two buildings on the right in both layouts is “Tomb Raider: Escape from Emerald Mountain”, which is a roller coaster.

    Ride building for Mission: Impossible dark ride in the ‘Adventure City’ area of Paramount Park Kunming:

    Unspecified building in the ‘The Studio’ area of The London Resort:

    For one last example, here’s the “Flight of the Skybax” flying theater ride building in the ‘Dinotopia’ area at Paramount Park Kunming:

    And here’s another unspecified building in “The Isles” area of The London Resort:

    Even the rockwork on the roof of the flying theater is the same in both layouts.

  5. Themeparkmad is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Finally! We have some news on the water park! I think it’s interesting how they will link the pools together although I think they are just going modern with no specific theme, shame we heard nothing about the actual park but I guess that isn’t the most important infrastructure!

  6. Michael is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    I've been going through the documents in the Developer's Application and there's some interesting images throughout. Unfortunately the aerial overview and masterplan layout of the theme park itself is still mainly using placeholder generic designs, but aspects of the design can be matched to the designs of Paramount Park Kunming and Paramount Park Korea, which are all being designed together, at least to some extent. The Design and Acesss Statement says:

    These zones will reflect agreements with intellectual property (IP) providers and will include rides and attractions suitable for families, children and the more adventurous thrill-seeking visitor. The content of the zones will be changed or updated from time to time in line with evolving market demand and the draft DCO and the ES incorporates the flexibility to enable this.
    I suppose this is how they get away with not showing the actual detailed design of the theme park itself, because according to them the zones will be changed or updated.

    This is the aerial overview included in the documents (a nighttime version was released back in October):

    The documents include many descriptions and renderings of the central area of the resort which includes the hotels, waterpark, parking, ferry terminal, e-sports arena, visitors center, conference center, retail, dining and more:

    The Water Park is an integral part of The London Resort Hotel and primarily for the enjoyment of its guests. It is accessed from a lower level beneath the London Boulevard and separated from the east wing of the hotel by a Palm Court creating an acoustic and environmental buffer where breakfast and all day dining is served to hotel guests. A place to visit in your bathrobes, and watch your children enjoying themselves in the supervised pools and water features beyond whilst enjoying a quiet cup of coffee and the chance to catch up and read a newspaper.
    The Water Park itself would include a range of linked swimming pools designed for swimmers of all ages, with water slides and a wave machine. The Water Park would be enclosed under domed structures to ensure year-round comfort for visitors. It would be up to 12,335 m2 (GEA) in area, with a maximum height parameter of 40 metres AOD. The hotel would own and operate the Water Park to the east side for the benefit of hotel guests, with an ability to allow controlled access for non-hotel guests when appropriate.

    This document is interesting because it describes all of the other potential locations around London considered for the resort:

    Sources: and and and

  7. Hjalmar is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    On behalf of the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government the proposal is accepted. The park will now be moving into the second phase, Pre-Examination.

  8. Themeparkmad is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    The Distinguished Jumping Spider has nearly stopped the resort in its tracks! Many news articles are reporting that the land that LRCH will be using might turn into a land of specific scientific interest! This means that The London Resort could be gone.

  9. Has anyone heard anything about the approval?

  10. MouseEars is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Some information on the planning application process for The London Resort...

    What happens next. An application for the above project was received by the Planning Inspectorate from London Resort Company Holdings on 04 January 2021. The application documents for this application will be published on this website in due course.

    From the day after receipt of the application, the Planning Inspectorate has 28 days to review the application and decide whether or not to accept it. The acceptance decision on this application should therefore be made by Monday 01 February 2021.

    If the application is accepted, we will:
    * On the day of the decision publish the acceptance decision and the Adequacy of Consultation Representations received from the relevant local authorities.
    * As soon as practicable after the acceptance decision, publish the date from which you will be able to register to put your case on the application (by making a Relevant Representation) and become an Interested Party.
    * As soon as practicable after the acceptance decision, publish the date on which the registration period will close.
    * From the opening day of the registration period (as determined by the Applicant’s notification and publication) make the Relevant Representation form available on this website.

    If the application is not accepted, we will:
    * Publish the decision letter and reasons why it hasn’t been accepted.
    * Remove all of the application documentation from this project page.

    We cannot accept your views about this application until the registration period has opened. However, if you would like to find out more about the process in the meantime, please download Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination and/or refer to Planning Act 2008: guidance on the pre-application process.

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