I think this photo is new and not a repost of the photos from earlier this month because the little bit of scaffolding that was to the right of the Yoshi's Adventure entrance is gone in this photo:
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CG88aGrjO5-/
Send your construction pics to content_at_themeparxdotcom
I think this photo is new and not a repost of the photos from earlier this month because the little bit of scaffolding that was to the right of the Yoshi's Adventure entrance is gone in this photo:
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CG88aGrjO5-/
If you look closely at the artwork on that bag, you can see three Pikmin. A blue one on the left lamppost, a red one under Luigi’s hand and a yellow one next to the Question Mark Block in the middle.
Do you think it’s possible that this is implying representation from Non-Mario Nintendo properties in the area?
Alternatively, I imagined a scavenger hunt where you search for Pikmin throughout the area similar to the Chameleons hidden around the ‘Tangled’ bathrooms in Magic Kingdom.
Today is a media preview of Mario Cafe & Store in the Hollywood area of Universal Studios Japan and a soft opening has just begun as well:
Awesome new promotional image on the shopping bags (notice that the bottom of the bag says Japan and Hollywood):
Regarding Super Nintendo World, the Vice President of Universal Studios Japan was quoted as saying: "The project is in the final stages, and we will announce the specific opening date as soon as it is decided."
Sources: https://twitter.com/KobayashiYutaro/status/1316531707403595778 and https://twitter.com/KobayashiYutaro/status/1316534305342910464 and https://twitter.com/KobayashiYutaro/status/1316535813564370945 and https://twitter.com/KobayashiYutaro/status/1316538563090018304 and https://twitter.com/made_in_USJ/status/1316603107833335808/ and https://news.denfaminicogamer.jp/news/201015b and https://jp.ign.com/super-nintendo-world/47681/news/usjusj
This is unconfirmed but these two images are potentially renderings of one of the scenes in the Mario Kart ride. According to an article in Orlando ParkStop, Dolphin Shoals, a course in the Mario Kart 8 video game, is one of the scenes found in the ride and these two renderings seem to match that:
Examples showing what Dolphin Shoals course looks like:
Sources: https://www.suzyriffel-artanddesign.com/digital-skills and https://youtu.be/oAn0HkjAd4s and http://www.mk8.info/course/star/dolphinshoals.html and https://orlandoparkstop.com/news/rumors/mario-kart-ride-details-for-super-nintendo-world-track-layout-scene-descriptions/ and https://gfycat.com/obedientgiftedaztecant
More new aerial photos and videos taken this afternoon of Super Nintendo World from Sankei Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, and the The Asahi Shimbun which are all other Japanese newspapers:
A bonus video showing an up-close view of the Peach's Castle area and Yoshi's Adventure omnimover ride testing can be seen at the following link: https://www.asahi.co.jp/webnews/pages/abc_8097.html
Sources: https://www.sankei.com/west/news/201007/wst2010070020-n1.html and https://mainichi.jp/articles/20201007/k00/00m/040/174000c and https://www.asahi.com/articles/photo/AS20201007002373.html
Today Universal Studios Japan confirmed that Super Nintendo World will be opening in Spring 2021.
Here's a new aerial photo of Super Nintendo World shared today by Yomiuri Shimbun, a Japanese newspaper:
Universal Studios Japan also announced today that prior to the area opening, on October 16, 2020, a special Nintendo-themed cafe and store named "Mario Cafe & Store" will be opening in the Hollywood area of the park. It is assumed that the merchandise and food being sold there will be some of what is available at Super Nintendo World next year.
Concept art of Mario Cafe & Store:
Details showing the merchandise and food can be seen on the official Universal Studios Japan website and official Nintendo website: https://www.usj.co.jp/web/ja/jp/restaurants/mario-cafe-and-store-new-open and https://topics.nintendo.co.jp/article/f62c63df-477b-4bfa-8579-5050dc02392d
Sources: https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20201007-OYT1T50138/ and https://www.usj.co.jp/web/ja/jp/restaurants/mario-cafe-and-store-new-open and https://twitter.com/USJ_Official/status/1313710523377053696/ and https://www.usj.co.jp/company/news/2020/1007.html
This is the latest official statement from Universal:
Separately, here's some interesting insight from a Virtual Production Engineer who developed VR roller coaster simulations for Universal Creative regarding the inner workings of the Mario Kart ride being tested while in development (the full post can be found in the sources below):The opening timing of 'SUPER NINTENDO WORLD' will be announced at a later date. We look forward to making our next announcement.
Sources: https://www.usj.co.jp/company/company_e/2020/o1tgd1000000103k-att/0903.pdf and http://andybiar.com/xr-coasters.htmlIn early 2018, the Mario Kart attraction design team for Super Nintendo World had a problem: there were hundreds of people working on different facets of the attraction at an off-site test facility, but there was physically only one test track. This meant that our game designers often had to wait minutes or even hours between laps in the test vehicle, as there were so many other construction and maintenance tasks that had to take place in the same space at the same time. The designers needed a faster way to test, or game design was going to fall behind.
An idea was born: what if the game designers could playtest in a simulation instead of using the physical test track? Design iteration time could improve dramatically! Universal formed a task force from across the company to build the unprecedented simulation, as the Mario Kart game design team didn't have the resources to do this alone.
The Design
The goal of the game design simulation was to create a version of Mario Kart which was configurable as thoroughly and quickly as possible, achieving maximum design iteration speed. The idea was that a game designer could ride the simulation on the motion base, pause the experience at any time, verbally request a change to us, and we could make the change immediately for review.
Our first game design scenario was around the spawn points of interactible items on the track. How many items should there be, and where on the track should they be placed? We needed to be able to reconfigure the entire map in seconds, not minutes, so manually moving GameObjects around the map was too slow.
One of our developers came up with the idea to load configuration data from an Excel sheet, which not only meant that we could quickly copy and paste rows to generate new maps, but also allowed the attraction designers to directly edit configuration files without needing to open Unity. We implemented the idea, and shortly afterward Universal invited Shigeru Miyamoto and the Nintendo executive team to take the simulation for a ride.
The Nintendo Meeting
The Nintendo executive team had a great time riding different test maps, and after a while they asked an insightful question that we weren't prepared for: could we manipulate the routes of other racers in a similar way to how our tool handled interactibles? My heart sunk for a beat. Racers had animation curves and other state that our system wasn't designed to handle, but we wouldn't let that stop us. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, was to implement the racer manipulation feature within 18 hours in time for a meeting the next day. Game on.
We needed a system for puppeting racers that was achievable within one day, and after 15 minutes of collaborative thinking, I proposed the solution that the team would choose to implement. I was inspired by the numpad of my keyboard:
^My proposed racer puppeting system was based on the layout of a numpad
Imagine a keyboard numpad overlaid on a top-down view of a race track. The player cart is always located at the '5' key, and moves in a forward direction of travel toward the '8' key. So in this coordinate space, '4' represents a position to the left of the player cart, '6' to the right, '2' behind, and so forth.
In my design, if a simulation operator presses the '4' key, the operator's selected racer would lerp to a position to the left of the player over a configurable amount of time. Pressing the '6' key would move the racer to the right of the player, and so forth. In this way, we created a simple set of keyboard commands for an animation manipulation system that we could all remember and operate with low cognitive load. We finished the implementation in 6 hours, and were able to proceed with our gameplay testing.