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Local Name:
12 Dec 2016
Construction Start:
08 Jun 2017
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  1. Michael is offline themeparX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    The Super Nintendo World minisite has officially launched ahead of next month's grand opening:

    The site has a nice map of the area:

    New promotional image:

    The site also shows some new food items and merchandise so I encourage you to explore the site yourself.

  2. Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    The ride officially opens on Feb 4th.

    I bought tickets for the 6th (Saturday) and you can also buy a ticket to guarantee entrance to Nintendo Land. I ended up going with the most expensive ticket that includes express pass to 7 of the top rides (it was the only way to ride Mario Kart and Yoshi without waiting).

    It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few days and week though. While Covid has been mostly under control in Japan, we are expected to declare another state of emergency this week (but Osaka doesn't seem to be included). Who knows at this point.

    At least USJ and Bullet Train companies are being really generous with changes and even if I can't go in 4 weeks, I can always go as soon as reasonably possible.
    If I were to book for April (That’s when I’m planning to go) I shouldn’t have to book right away yes?

  3. The ride officially opens on Feb 4th.

    I bought tickets for the 6th (Saturday) and you can also buy a ticket to guarantee entrance to Nintendo Land. I ended up going with the most expensive ticket that includes express pass to 7 of the top rides (it was the only way to ride Mario Kart and Yoshi without waiting).

    It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few days and week though. While Covid has been mostly under control in Japan, we are expected to declare another state of emergency this week (but Osaka doesn't seem to be included). Who knows at this point.

    At least USJ and Bullet Train companies are being really generous with changes and even if I can't go in 4 weeks, I can always go as soon as reasonably possible.

  4. I’ve been scouring the internet for even just a smidget of footage but have had zero luck. Apparently some appeared back in December on Reddit but it was almost immediately taken down and never reuploaded at least as far as I know.

  5. Well that is if construction resumes anytime soon. Hopefully the situation gets better, not just for the parks sake but also so the construction crews can work without fear of plans falling through cause the world's a mess. Hopefully the troubleshooting and design work already being completed after Japan means the lands construction will go smoothly, I don't know about the rest of Epic Universe though.

  6. I know right, I want to see at least one photo on ride. Not the ending because it just shows the high score. I want to see when characters appear I need to wait till 2023 when it opens here in Orlando

  7. Even before the ride opened we heard that it used physical sets, so the AR shouldn't be an issue. I'm guessing that the interactivity and the fact that you have your scores tied to you would make it risky for a passholder to nab footage, since it could be tied back to them. But the grand opening is in a month, so we aren't gonna wait long!!!

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