This is first iteration of the land. I hope, over the years we will see improvements.
Send your construction pics to content_at_themeparxdotcom
This is first iteration of the land. I hope, over the years we will see improvements.
The queue line looks like the Cat in the Hat ride at Islands of Adventure because of the plastic mall playground feel it gives off.
Someone did write about it online but I forgot what website. He said it was very fun and the augmented reality was overwhelming and also extremely accurate. Overwhelming in a good way lmao.
The Mario Kart ride is going to be very tricky to show how it works because of the argurmented goggles. It’s very weird that no one has said something good or bad about this ride.
Hopefully this pandemic won't be a decade long thing, eventually we will get our first ride through this summer.
Are we ever going to get a POV of Mario Kart? Don’t think I have ever waited this long ever!