Update from 1st March
Source: https://youtu.be/tdn9XqnpCuc
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Update from 1st March
Source: https://youtu.be/tdn9XqnpCuc
This video is more current:
Short video of the construction on Jan 31st. Older than the current images but much wider view.
Earlier this week a new, *not* owned by Universal hotel was just announced - it'll be the largest hotel in the Universal Japan area and will be opening ahead of Super Nintendo World in Fall 2019.
Here's a look at the construction site of the hotel:
Sources: https://ameblo.jp/usj826--l-c-a-studios/entry-12339373197.html and https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO25031710V21C17A2AM1000/
Another update from earlier this month:
Via NintendoSoup: https://nintendosoup.com/look-super-nintendo-world-japans-construction-progress/
New rumors state that the Kong ride from Islands of Adventure is being cloned for Japan. They say it will open before Nintendo does. I think they will open it after WaterWorld.
Construction progress from last week:
Source: https://twitter.com/harulob/status/922668057637543936