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Six Flags Dubai
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  1. Is it on hold?

    A Google Maps Aerial View of 1st October 2018, no signal of working going on.

    I hope it will be build, it's the solution of Dubai Parks and Resorts, a record-breaking park which can attract a lot of new visitors.

    Some good news, shares in DXB Entertainments rose 2.33 percent on Wednesday, and have now gained 13.3 percent since the start of 2019 (source: Are the actioners expecting a good fiscal year 2018?

  2. uaeprojects is offline themeparX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    No point of discussing when the park is going forward. DPR is owned by the gov and its the start and will get better in the future. Six Flags is happening, full stop

  3. Don't go off-topic too much (for example: talking about Global Village, which is in Dubailand, rather than Six Flags Dubai & Dubai Parks & Resorts). This is Six Flags Dubai in Dubai Parks & Resorts, they are still undergoing enhancements while it's still under slow construction.

  4. Global Village is not a destination. DPR was conceived, designed and built as a destination. Global Village is a cheap fairground where as DPR is not. The two are incompatible and require a totally different mindset. Raed, Matt Priddy, Tommy Jones, etc were and are professional destination global experts. Bring back the professionals with the vision and dream to deliver.

    The current leadership are Ford salesmen trying to run a Rolls Royce brand. The team who built DPR knew what was required and were delivering. Their teams respected, admired and believed in the dream. What we have now is a devalued destination to just another fairground.

    Bring back Raed, Sam, Matt Priddy , Tommy Jones, Manamara and the team. A comment to the board would suggest they've got it wrong. DPR need global professionals not locally sourced amateurs.

  5. Surely all the names you list here are the reason they developed an unsustainable park? It was never going to be the overnight Orlando that they pitched

  6. Hate to speak in hindsight but on big flagship park closer to the palm/hotels such as Universal would of done tremendous and could of been built up from there. The whole thing is a disaster which is unfortunate as Dubai could have eventually been on par with Orlando if things where managed correctly but I think things can't recover without more major investment.

  7. DPR brand is on the ground. It's being managed by the "global village" mentality which is why "value for money" is questioned more. The opening team were stars but somehow (?) top guys signed off a project which wasn't commercially viable. No one calculated the implications of their actions = ROI! (6.5M attendance is not a calculated estimate) the product is poor to average; theming is ahead of the experience. Brand identity & strategy (except Legoland) was unclear from start now they do need superpowers to turn this into a profitable business.

  8. Let's not worry too much. We have reached 2019, it looks like Dubai Parks & Resorts is going to delay Six Flags Dubai's planned 2019 opening date, so that they can have more time for construction, getting ride parts, or both DXB Entertainments and Six Flags' recover from losses.

  9. I visited DPR and was amazed how deserted it was. No thrill, poor guest focus, poor food, high prices. No leadership seen. I agree there is a lack of experienced leaders. Nice to see UAE nationals on the entrance tills but no smiles or welcome.

  10. Let's wake up and smell the coffee. DPR is running at a massive loss with little real sustaibable increase in park visitors and the reality is that it will not breakeven for at least another decade. Six Flags will merely dilute total guest numbers. DPR is seen as an improved Global Village at 5 times the cost by anyone you speak with. All the experienced leaders inclusive of Raed, Mat Priddy, Tommy Jones, Brian McKnamara to name but a few were sacked to make way for a lower calibre team dragging the DPR brand down. If you want success get the team back and it will deliver. Leadership needs changing and get people in who know parks.

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