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Six Flags Dubai
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  1. Quote Originally Posted by Lucid_Tornado View Post
    The plot of Mudon was going to be Six Flags Dubailand, that means I'm living in the plot of a promising project which became known as the biggest theme park failure.
    Hate to break it to you man, but the site that was chosen for Six Flags Dubailand was opposite where IMG Worlds currently is, the parks plans back it up also. Working on a full detailed document of the history of Six Flags in the UAE and spoke to multiple people involved in the project who confirmed it.

  2. Lucid_Tornado is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    Can’t wait for attempt 3 which would end up like the others
    I totally agree with you! In my honest opinion, Dubai has a lack of knowledge on executing projects, as they have started construction on multiple theme parks that they didn't have any funds left. Right now I'm living in a compound known as Mudon. The plot of Mudon was going to be Six Flags Dubailand, that means I'm living in the plot of a promising project which became known as the biggest theme park failure. Expect a Six Flags theme park in Abu Dhabi, as the Emirate have a lot of knowledge on executing projects.

  3. Can’t wait for attempt 3 which would end up like the others

  4. Theme Park Design is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Six Flags Concept Art: Six Flags Design of proposed DubaiLand by Legacy Entertainment

    In Dubai's first wave of theme park development, Tatweer's Dubailand would have featured more than half a dozen theme parks. In original plans, first to open would have been Universal Studios, Legoland, and Six Flags. These early sketches and renderings were developed during Six Flags Dubailand's blue sky concept design phase;

  5. This model was developed by Legacy Entertainment for the Dubailand iteration of Six Flags Dubai. Like other Legacy projects, the rides and attractions are seamlessly woven into the park's lands and environments.

  6. Legacy Entertainment's theme park design of Six Flags Dubailand was organized in a spoke-and-hub configuration, a planning method best known from Disney's "castle parks". These bird's-eye, model, and master planning diagrams show the relationships between the park's themed zones, as well as the unique integration of the rides and attractions into their environments.

    Worth a close-up look is the intricately-detailed linework for the park's bird's-eye view, drawn by legendary Disney poster designer, Jim Michaelson.

  7. The final zone of Legacy Entertainment's theme park design of Six Flags Dubailand was EXPLORE- an homage to the golden age of travel. The land's signature attraction was to be SCREAMIN' EAGLE- a heavily-themed B&M Dive Machine. Also sure to be popular was ROARING RAPIDS- a new take on the chain's classic rapids ride brand. Antique Cars and a Parachute Tower were also present for those looking for milder thrills.

  8. Wow.

    The new and equally failed Six Flags Dubai designed by FORREC appears totally uninspired compared to what Six Flags Dubailand would have looked like.

  9. Legacy Entertainment's theme park design for Six Flags Dubailand featured themed zones based on emotions, including Celebrate, Wonder, Imagine, Play, Explore, and DISCOVER.

    DISCOVER was designed as a showcase of Six Flags' most epic and heroic brands, featuring attractions themed to TITAN, COLOSSUS, and GOLIATH. The signature attraction was The DUBAI GIANT- a B&M Giga Coaster that, upon opening, would have been the World's Tallest and Longest Hypercoaster. Also notable is COLOSSUS, the El Toro clone from Intamin, which would have extended out over the park's Toll Booths to create an unforgettable and iconic arrival experience.

  10. Legacy Entertainment's theme park design for Six Flags Dubailand featured themed zones relating to emotions, including Celebrate, Wonder, Imagine, Discover, Explore, and PLAY.

    PLAY was envisioned as a kinetic wonderland in which the entire land would have felt like one enormous playground. Partly inspired by Rolly Crump's Tower of the Four Winds from the 1964 World's Fair, concepts for numerous wind-powered kinetic sculptures were developed to help activate the land. This zone would have contained the park's highest concentration of rides and attractions targeted at families and young children.

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