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Update of Mickey Avenue: building of "Avenue M"
Roaring Rapids new photo! Falls and Geyser zone!
I think the point should be is what would Walt Disney think about Shanghai Disney. I think he would be so pleased to see so many people building what could be the best Disney Park ever. Now, before you think China has all control, they don't. While they may own the majority of the park and income, Disney has ultimate control of running the park. This will be, by far, the best Disney Park ever built. My only regret is that Disney can't do the same in America.
We’ll really be looking forward to the initial reception, but at the same time we build these parks for generations. We won’t judge where we are a week out, a month out, or even a year or two out.
Clearly we are planting an important flag for the Disney brand in China. We want to make sure people recognize the quality of what we provide. And hopefully it will be an aspirational kind of experience for people in China the same way it has been aspirational for people here. And therefore it represents the brand in a way that is broader than just that individual park.Tom Staggs on Shanghai Disneyland.This is a very long-term proposition, so what’s going on in the economy at any given moment is not a big concern for us. We look at the trends over the long term and continue to be as bullish as we’ve ever been in terms of the number of income-qualified people, the prospect for continued growth of the middle class in China, etc.
A sneak peak at Shanghai Disneyland from Disneyland's 60th anniversary TV special which aired yesterday. Showing only animated concept art but still a nice overview and introduction to the park.
The resort has launched an Imagine Your Trip online activity to invite Chinese netizens to plan their Disney trip and win the tickets to the Shanghai DisneylandSource:[T]here appeared many similar online campaigns that claimed participants have the opportunities to win free entrance to the Shanghai Disneyland. These faked campaigns have been widely promoted by Wechat users.
“Currently, there is no other channel on the market to purchase, win or pick up for free tickets to the Shanghai Disneyland,” the resort said in a statement.