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  1. Adam is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Jul 2015
    I want to go to SDL for the opening day. Based on past experience (from HKDL, etc) how will it work? Will June 16 feature the opening ceremony and a speech from Bob Iger? Will they have a soft launch at a different time where people can attend before the official opening ceremony?

  2. ice10000 is offline Senior Park Investigator
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Explore Shanghai Disneyland official maps:

  3. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Dec 2015
    The world is full of Shanghai Disneyland love this morning...

    These intrepid cyclists went for a ride to the site this week and took some pretty cool video footage. Shame the scaffolding is still on the castle through but its a good video that's worth a watch. Skip through to around 00:02:30 for where you can see footage of the building works.


  4. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Dec 2015
    It sure has and check out this new photo of the castle! Doesn't it look fantastic?

    The Walt Disney Company and Shanghai Shendi Group announced today that Shanghai Disney Resort will host a multi-day, grand opening celebration, culminating in a spectacular welcoming ceremony for the resort’s first official guests on June 16, 2016.

  5. CarlySX is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Dec 2015
    So that great new photo of the Enchanted Storybook Castle is from Vasile Sirli via facebook and he has more in-park photos on his facebook page. Check out these two he posted recently.

    As Disneyland Paris' Musical Director I am not sure if he has been working on site or if they are being sent to him by colleagues but his page is awash with photos, videos and Disney related posts from all over the world.


  6. USHToday is offline Park Investigator
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    Dec 2015
    Shanghai Disneyland has announced its entertainment programs and some more info on some of it's attractions.

    Shanghai Disneyland will feature favorite Disney characters from Snow White to Luke Skywalker, under an entertainment program announced for the upcoming park on Wednesday.

    The stories of classic Disney princesses will be staged in the site's signature Enchanted Storybook Castle, said Matt Almas, the company's creative executive.

    Visitors will learn to draw Marvel characters and interact with the heroes and villains of the Star Wars universe in sci-fi zone Tomorrowland.
    Chinese elements will also be incorporated, Almas said.

    The final carriage of Mickey's Storybook Express, a train running through the park, will be dedicated to Mulan, an animated movie depicting a female war hero of ancient China. Each carriage will be based on a different Disney film.

    The Lion King musical will be performed in Chinese at the park's theater. Visitors will also join Donald Duck and Chip'n'Dale to practice traditional Chinese martial art Tai Chi.

  7. Tala is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Nov 2015

  8. Nothing has been officially said but opening is rumored to be around late May/early June. They are saying now they would announce the opening date after the New Year so hopefully any day now!

  9. jeffwayne12 is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    Jan 2016
    Hey guys! I'm loving all the information posted here! We booked a Shanghai trip starting on June 23rd, will Disneyland be open and does anyone know when they think hotels will go on sale? I can't find anything in English on the official website.

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