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Shanghai Disneyland
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  1. I passed the Shanghai Disney resort on the MAGLEV train to the north of the site. We were going 270 mph, so I'm glad I didn't blink or I would've missed it.

    The castle is beginning to go up.

    The Tron coaster is covered, but not enclosed yet. I could make out the track, but the pictures don't do it justice. The castle is behind the clump of trees on the left.

  2. from Ivan is offline Curious Chap
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Here are some new satellite photos of Shanghai Disneyland, taken this month. Buildings start to appear, there are new digs and the lake of Adventureland is being prepared.

    They also started leveling the area on the right of the park, the site of the future second gate.

  3. Pirates of the Caribbean structure:

  4. Interesting:

    the Walt Disney Company on Monday announced a deal to increase spending on its coming Shanghai megaresort by $800 million.
    A spokeswoman said the $800 million would flow entirely toward new offerings and that the deal in no way reflected budget overruns.

    Is that true? The claim of the spokeswoman?

  5. Kurt Henrickson, you are working for Disney or Shendi Group?

  6. Join Date
    Mar 2014
    As an imagery analyst, may I ask where you obtained these images?

  7. from Ivan is offline Curious Chap
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Recent satellite imagery of Shanghai Disneyland (January 2014), NOT available on Google Earth/Maps:

    Full Resort View:

    Theme Park:

    Downtown Disney (left) and Entrance (right):

    Castle and Garden:



    Tomorrowland, Toy Story Playland and Toy Story Hotel:

    Lake and 2nd Hotel:

    Found and prepared by Ivan from WorldOfDisney

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