From what I have been told plans for a SeaWorld park of any kind in Saudi Arabia are not going forward.
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From what I have been told plans for a SeaWorld park of any kind in Saudi Arabia are not going forward.
As of late 2013, Saudi Arabia now issues tourist visas
Seeing that Saudi Arabia doesn't issue tourist visas, this could be a problem....
More details have surfaced regarding SeaWorld's plans for expanding into the Middle East. The article from Attractions Management reaffirms the rumor that SeaWorld is specifically planning on opening a park in Abu Dhabi and/or Saudi Arabia.
Here are some of the key facts from the article:
• SeaWorld CEO Joel Manby says that SeaWorld has "moved to a definitive agreement stage" and that "money has changed hands"
• SeaWorld is hoping to publicly announce the expansion plans in Fall 2016
• This "SeaWorld attraction" will not have orca whales on display
Check out the source article for more details and more future SeaWorld plans:
SeaWorld CEO quoted as saying:
Source: Arabia has beautiful coastlines filled with marine life and it is in need for a tourism push. We are waiting for the opportunity to go there.
Source:’s CEO Joel Manby said that his company were looking at all the options for expanding global operations in tourism and looking for new partners, including Saudi Arabia.
Status: announced