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Stained glass-style emblems have been added to the "polar portals":
The Mangroves are SeaWorld Abu Dhabi's equivalent to SeaWorld San Diego's Explorer's Reef:
The Armillary, a breathtaking domed room inspired by an ancient handheld model of the universe. Here, guests will learn about historic navigation methods that guided early voyagers on their journeys as well as the distinct differences between the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
The third animal exhibit in the Arctic realm is the Puffin Habitat:
On the lower level of Tropical Ocean between Manta and the Dolphin Habitat is an underwater cave/shipwreck-themed area. The area features Midway Games, a few fish tanks including a coral reef exhibit that are all not ready yet, Lost Cove Treats Snacks, and the Shipwreck Cove climbing structure.
Another animal exhibit in the Arctic realm is the Sea Otter Habitat, which is home to six northern sea otters. All six were rescued by the Alaska SeaLife Center, then they were each transferred to SeaWorld San Diego, and then they arrived at SeaWorld Abu Dhabi.
Hi Michael,
Thank you verry much for all the great information and fantastic photos. I have only one wish. Could you also post photos of the electronic displays with the animals shown in the exhibitions or name the species? That would be wonderful. I've already had a few quick glimpses of these screens in some videos, do you know if the species featured there are actually to come or are they placeholders?
Many thanks
The main entrance to Endless Ocean is through One Ocean, but another entrance to Endless Ocean is through Tropical Ocean:
The Endless Ocean realm is a labyrinth of passages and viewing windows, and some areas are not even open yet:
In addition to the main aquarium tank, there's smaller tanks along the passages, but most of those smaller tanks are still empty.
Endless Vista from above and below:
The Swirl aquarium tank has young sharks that are too small to move into the main tank:
Speaking of not yet being in the main aquarium tank, sunfish have arrived at the park, but they're being held for now in back of house because they're too small. Also, manta rays are planned for Endless Ocean but they are still being procured.
Even more areas to explore:
As seen from the Ocean Shelf, divers figuring out the route that SeaWorld Expeditions SeaDive participants will take to explore Endless Ocean:
The Endless Ocean tank has many sharks, but unlike other record breaking aquarium tanks this tank is built deeper as opposed to wider, so the sharks like swimming in the deeper areas of the tank. Because of this, some viewing areas of Endless Ocean may appear somewhat "barren" but this is for the most part only temporary because more animals will be arriving soon, such as the manta rays and sunfish mentioned above. Due to this tank being designed deeper rather than spread out, Endless Ocean is not able to display whale sharks. But, Yas SeaWorld Research & Rescue is capable of rescuing and rehabilitating whale sharks.
The main exhibit at SeaWorld Abu Dhabi's Arctic realm is the Walrus Habitat, which is currently home to five walruses and has many viewing points: