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Type: Posts; User: shanghaiwoman

  1. Posts
    Here's more concept art from Shanghai Disneyland:

  2. Posts
    More news from Shanghai Daily

    THE developers of Shanghai Disneyland secured a 12.9 billion yuan (US$2.04 billion) syndicated loan with a number of Chinese banks for the theme park's first phase of construction.

    The deal was signed today in Shanghai as part of the city government's effort to advance the progress of some key infrastructure projects for this year. The Shidongkou power project also won a 4.8 billion yuan syndicated loan while a residential community project in Luodian, Baoshan District, obtained a 3.11 billion yuan loan today.

    A syndicated loan is provided by a group of lenders and is structured and arranged by one or several banks known as arrangers.

    Such loans have been increasingly used to fund the construction of major infrastructure projects.

    The Shanghai Bureau of China Banking Regulatory Commission has said major projects, other than real estate projects, with a funding scale of more than 2 billion yuan should seek syndicated loans.

    Globally, syndicated loans have become a key method in funding infrastructure construction and mergers and acquisitions, and it also provides a platform to connect banks and major projects in Shanghai, Vice Mayor Yang Xiong said today.

    The first phase of Shanghai Disneyland, scheduled to open in 2015 in Chuansha in Pudong New Area, will cost 24.5 billion yuan. Construction began last April.
  3. Posts
    Here's some very concrete description of what's been done and what's going on on the site, right now. The source of this information is the People's Daily/Shanghai Daily:

    Construction crews have almost finished grading the uneven land to prepare it for the large-scale construction in the next step. To reduce subsidence and create a safe amusement park, the builders have adopted a so-called vacuum-preloading method on the 1.68-square-kilometer plot.

    They divided the area into 44 parts and inserted pipes into the land to draw ground water. The builder compared the work to "doing embroidery" on the land and said it meets the standard of an airport runway. The land will not sink by more than 1 centimeter for at least 50 years, according to the builders.

    About 98 percent of the necessary soil has been removed to form the river around the theme park, and 84 percent of the soil of the future inner lake has been removed.

    Construction on Tanghuang Road and Hangcheng Road, the eastern and southern border roads of Disneyland, will be completed and open to traffic by the end of this month, the Pudong New Area construction authorities said yesterday.

    The Pudong government is responsible for the construction of 11 Disney-related road projects.

    The other nine projects, including the Shenjiang lane elevated road, a bus hub and the major entrance road, are expected to be completed by June 2014.

    The 11 road projects, which involve streets totaling 40 kilometers, will cost about 9.4 billion yuan (US$1.5 billion). A total of 492 households and 133 enterprises need to be relocated to make way for the road projects.
  4. Posts
    Here is a collection of very good videos from YouTube showing details about Shanghai Disneyland, this is just such an awesome project!!

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