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Local Name:
Приморский океанариум
Construction Start:
06 Sep 2016
4 ha
National Scientific Center of Marine Biology
National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Primocean
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  1. Finally a construction update, directly from the Kremlin:

    Vladimir Putin visited the Primorye Oceanarium that the Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences is building on Russky Island.

    The President had a look at the dolphinarium, though still without dolphins, the aquarium and the bathyscaphe and also saw a unique film created by Russian filmmakers with the use of new computer technologies.

    The Primorye Oceanarium Research and Educational Centre on Russky Island will become the largest of its kind in the world. Spreading over 30,000 square metres, it can house 15,000-18,000 specimens and some 500-600 species of living organisms.

    Initially it was planned that the oceanarium’s opening will coincide with the APEC-2012 Summit, however its launch was postponed several times. Vladimir Putin keeps the construction process under his personal control and several times urged to speed it up. As the construction has been underway for several years now, after his visit to the centre, the President decided to meet with a number of officials directly involved in the construction.

  2. Will this ever open? Their website states it still isn't operating.

  3. mapviews is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    All satellite imagery copyright by Google Maps:

  4. The best source for Primorsky Oceanarium construction updates is Vladimir Putin, lol.

    Both videos show off the aquarium on Russky Island (the island developed for the APEC summit 2012). It's still not open to the public.

    This one was taken one year ago:

    And this one was shot just yesterday:

  5. LI
    LI is offline Curious Chap
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    Aug 2013
    from LinkedIn sources:

    Design works for a large aquarium complex for Vladivostok, Russia to form part of the facilities for the 2012 APEC conference ($450,000,000).
    This was undertaken some time between 2007-2010 by a company called Fairhursts Design Group Ltd.

    A Taiwanese company was involved, as well:

    Taiwanese company working on a project of Primorsky Aquarium on Russkiy Island (
    Support in logistics process, search for building materials suppliers in the country and abroad; solve organizational problems.

  6. videoupdater is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    Jul 2013
    While in the Primorye Oceanarium building chic, rare valuable animals languish in cramped polynyas. scandal rises around one of the major seaside protracted - the aquarium. Money is allocated properly, and the budget is growing all the time, but the timing of the opening of constantly shifting. From such slowness affects not only people but also animals, which, instead of languishing in spacious enclosures close polynya.
    Posted December 2012:

  7. research007 is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    The total volume of water in the Primorsky aquarium will be about 25,000 tons. For reference, the largest aquarium in the world that is located in a single building, like ours, has total volume of water of about 30 000 tons (Atlanta, USA). There are even larger aquariums, for example, the aquarium in Valencia, Spain, which has 42,000 tons of water, but its tanks are located in several buildings.

  8. research007 is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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  9. research007 is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Oct 2011

    Primorsky Aquarium on Russky Island

    Construction photos:

  10. admin is online now Administrator
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    May 2011

    Primorsky Oceanarium

    Status: under construction

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