Promoted by the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC), the Bollywood theme park, which will come up in Karjat, is expected to be thrown open to the public on December 24 and tourists will even be able to witness shooting of films or television serials, apart from visiting other attractions currently under construction.“The theme park will resemble the Warner Brothers or Universal Studios and for the first time in the country, people will be able to get a first-hand experience of film shooting. We will plan all kinds of activities that people can participate in and we will also celebrate all the traditional festivals with a Bollywood theme. We are going away from our roots and these activities can bring us back together,” said Desai.Rathod added that viewing galleries will be constructed around the shooting sets and tourists can be accommodated there. “The tourists can watch the shooting live without interrupting it. Bollywood is a big part of the city and the ND Studios will be designated as a tourist attraction,” he said.