We got the Motiongate Dubai press release trailer from their YouTube channel:
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We got the Motiongate Dubai press release trailer from their YouTube channel:
Summary of Motiongate attractions:
Source:DreamWorks Animation, Sony Pictures and Lionsgate will have licensed rides in the park with films like The Hunger Games, Ghostbusters, Hotel Transylvania, The Smurfs, Zombieland, Shrek and more, see the list on the screen capture below. Attractions will include rollercoasters, multimedia theatre and a massive water ride which will use 793,000 gallons of water.
Interesting screenshots of Motiongate Dubai from the video shared below:
Sony Pictures Studios:
Smurfs Village:
Studio Central:
Details on The Hotel Transylvania ride:
The Hotel Transylvania ride will be in a 2,800 square metre indoor space and will be seven minutes long. During it you’ll be seated in a carriage that holds four people. The ride is ‘trackless’, and there are 27 separate carriages going around at once, which means you’ll never know which way you’ll turn and you’re likely to have near-misses with other punters. The highest point of the ride is 42 metres (about the same height as the Statue of Liberty). The ‘story’ of the ride will be a surprise party hosted by the monsters in the movie.
Website: http://whatson.ae/dubai/knowledge/32145/giant-movie-theme-park-motiongate-dubai/
Website is up : http://motiongatedubai.com
Lots of information available.
Construction update: Rides engineering and manufacturing is 52% complete.
They have added a new intro video to their website http://www.dubaiparksandresorts.com/#section1
News from their Twitter:
"We are happy to announce that our resort-wide development is 43% complete"