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Local Name:
Волшебного мира России
01 Jul 2011
Construction Start:
on hold
220 ha
Gravity Group, Moschanko Investment Group
Moschanko Investment Group
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  1. research007 is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Oct 2011

    Universal Studios Russia

    Is this supposed to be a part of it, or something else?

    Universal Parks & Resorts is planning to build an indoor theme park in Moscow, as part of a massive sports-and-entertainment complex announced Wednesday by a Russian developer.

    The 37-acre indoor park would be the first Universal Studios theme park in Europe.

    Universal Parks & Resorts, a unit of Comcast Corp.’s NBCUniversal, would also build a Universal Studios-themed indoor water park and CityWalk shopping-and-dining district as part of the broader entertainment complex, which has been dubbed “Galactica Park.”

  2. research007 is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Oct 2011
    Is this really going to happen?

  3. research007 is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Oct 2011
    Announced in July 2011:

    Projected to be one of the most unique and compelling entertainment destination resorts in the world, Magic World Russia will encompass over 600 acres and be comprised of multiple theme park concepts as well as hotels, retail, dining and entertainment venues. It represents a unique collaboration between Russia and a consortium of industry leading California based companies.

    Moschanko Investment Group (MIG 2000), a Beverly Hills, California based corporation whose Chairman and CEO Gennady Moshkovich has a track record for establishing bilateral business relationships between California and Russia as well as introducing a number of important energy sector technologies and development projects to Russia, is the driving force behind Magic World Russia.

    “It has the kind of grand scale and unique creative concepts that drive our imagination and compel our involvement. To be at the center of Russia’s first world class theme park is both an honor and an exciting challenge.”

    World renowned for their contributions to the design, construction and operation of leading entertainment destination resorts and theme parks, Gary Goddard Entertainment Design (a division of Goddard Group), ProFun Management Group, and (it) Brand Studios are just a few among the California companies participating in a consortium organized by MIG 2000 for Magic World Russia.

    The creation of Magic World Russia, a fantasy world filled with the most spectacular rides, resorts and experiences in the history of theme park development, encompassing multiple theme park concepts, will generate thousands of jobs in Russia as well as hundreds in Southern California. Magic World Russia will be the first significant theme park destination developed in Russia and the former Soviet Union territories including Eastern Europe.

    A dream-come-true for millions of Russians, who will finally have a theme park to call their own, Magic World Russia is designed to attract 10-12 million visitors a year. Magic World Russia has been designed as both a destination resort for families and visitors who wish to stay for several days, as well as day visitors alike.

    The Gup Rublevo-Uspensky Lok of Administrative Directorate of the President of Russian Federation, associates of MIG 2000, has helped MIG 2000 to identify an ideal area over 250 hectares (600 acres) in size conveniently located 50 kilometers from the city of Moscow for Magic World Russia, which will encompass multiple branded theme parks featuring internationally recognized brands as well as Russian cultural and folklore icons plus world class rides and attractions, water parks and beach resort hotels, retail and live entertainment. Building the project is projected to cost over $2.5 billion.

    For the very first time in the theme park industry, Magic World Russia will devote one of its parks to special needs children called World Without Boundaries. Working with leading special needs children medical and therapeutic experts from around the world to ensure that rides and attractions will be designed specifically to entertain a diverse number of physical and mental disabilities, Magic World Russia’s World Without Boundaries will offer special needs children a memorable and fun experience no matter their handicap.

    “Everyone involved with Magic World Russia is committed to creating a magical experience for kids and their families as well as a unique, world class resort, which is why we have successfully presented the project to the Russian business community and government agencies. We have also been able to bring together a consortium of world class companies from California representing leaders in their respective theme park specialties,” said Moshkovich. “It is truly a gift for the children of Russia, but also a gift that the world will be able to share with them.

    Magic World Russia will also serve to promote the rich Russian heritage and culture through the first ever Park Russia theme park. Russian leaders have been instrumental in attracting world class events such as the upcoming Winter Olympics that will be held in Sochi followed shortly thereafter by the World Cup. The MIG 2000 leadership team believes Magic World Russia will be a unique addition to such great events and will last for generations to come.”

    Moshkovich further commented, “Due to a number of factors, many companies have unsuccessfully tried to enter the Russian market with theme park projects, for example selecting the wrong location, such as the center of Moscow which has massive gridlock and traffic issues. In addition, real estate in the major metropolitan regions in Russia is enormously expensive. Other factors that created a barrier to market entry included creating single brand style theme parks instead of a project like Magic World Russia with multiple theme park concepts that would appeal to the hearts, mind and soul of the Russian people. Keep in mind also that for many years Russia hasn’t been ready for a world class theme park project such as Magic World Russia, and personal income of the average Russian wasn’t as strong as it is now.

    “Great progress has been made in the last 10 years. New Russian leadership has created many investment opportunities for Russian and non-Russian companies alike. Russia has become a focus of investment for many great projects to date with many more to come. Despite the extraordinary investment that Russia has been experiencing by the private and government sector, some people believe that you couldn’t do anything without connections. It is important as it is in all developed markets to have the right anchor partner or partners. I certainly believe that first of all you should have a great product, an ability to deliver and execute a vision for the future and a product that will appeal to the Russian population, taking into consideration that today most Russians are very well educated, experienced, talented and well traveled. They know quality when they see it so it is imperative that we deliver a world class theme park experience for all our visitors.”

    Gary Goddard, CEO and Chairman of the celebrated Goddard Group, has been retained to provide design oversight of the entire Magic World Russia project. Goddard includes among its clients Universal Studios, Six Flags Corporation, Warner Bros. and Paramount Parks. Dave Schmitt and his team at ProFun Management Group, recognized as the leading theme park management and operations company, most recently involved with the Ferrari Park in Abu Dhabi, have been retained to provide operations and management consultancy in the initial planning phases as well as ongoing oversight. Brooks Branch and Danny Kaplan of (it) Brand Studios are serving as the “creative brain trust” who will oversee overall brand and creative collaborations.

    “We are thrilled to be a part of the Magic World Russia California consortium,” said Goddard, CEO of Goddard Group. “It has the kind of grand scale and unique creative concepts that drive our imagination and compel our involvement. To be at the center of Russia’s first world class theme park is both an honor and an exciting challenge.”

    Goddard’s most recent accomplishment was as the designer of the $1.9 billion Galaxy Macau Casino Resort which opened to great acclaim May 15th in Macau.

    Among the parks and attractions planned for Magic World Russia, 80% of which will be covered in order to offer a year round experience, are:

    Major Hollywood Studio Branded Park - where guests participate in the action, “entering” their favorite films through a diverse collection of extraordinary ride experiences. MIG 2000 is currently in thorough discussions with a number of major Hollywood studios, with Paramount and Universal priority choices of MIG 2000 due to the popularity of their film and television properties in Russia as well as their experience with theme park development and operation.

    Magic Family Park - dedicated to families with young children.

    Nanopolis Children’s Park - will offer children a real “edutainment” experience that will combine the fun of participating in grown up “jobs” with the fun of learning what it’s like to be a real fireman or doctor or chef.
    Separate Waterparks for families and adults with enclosed beach resorts.

    Park Russia - will draw on the rich Russian culture and folklore as well as Russian accomplishments in the areas of space and Arctic exploration, film and cinematography, and science and aviation to develop rides, attractions and live events to entertain guests of all ages.

    Thrill Ride Park - will feature pure adrenaline driven coasters and rides that defy gravity and offer unbelievable thrills.

    Extreme Sports Park - will combine extreme sports attractions such as skate park, rock wall climbing, indoor sky diving, and other extreme sports under one roof.

    Winter Garden Magic Fountain Park - will feature a spectacular symphony of fountains which will defy imagination, exceeding anything that currently exists and serve as a stage for nightly entertainment and amazing parades.

    St. Petersburg City Street - a retail shopping and dining experience that will recreate a classic St. Petersburg with its magnificent architecture and provide opportunities for local as well as global brands.

    Amphitheater/Concert/Performance Hall - designed to be a 15,000 seat live performance theater.
    World Without Boundaries Special Needs Children’s Park. No other park in the world has been designed to serve special needs children such as the World Without Boundaries Park at Magic World Russia. Drawing on the leading special needs children medical and therapeutic experts in the world, the rides and attractions will be designed specifically to entertain a diverse number of physical and mental handicaps offering special needs children no matter their handicap, a memorable and fun experience.

    Also playing an integral role developing partnerships on behalf of Magic World Russia is Jonathan Zilli, COO of MIG 2000. Prior to joining MIG 2000, Zilli founded Oldstone Media Advisors, LLC, an international business development consultancy focusing on the application of entertainment and media intellectual assets to create commercially viable, location-based attractions, including theme parks, restaurants, and other viable real estate opportunities. His past experience includes senior level executive positions at MGM/UA Home Entertainment and Paramount Pictures where he was responsible for the International Licensing Division.

    Zilli commented: “Gene has dedicated himself both professionally and personally for the past 30 years to building strong Russian–American ties at the government level as well as the private sector. His vision for Magic World Russia has always been that the Russian people deserve the best, and is born out of his personal dedication and efforts to helping Russian children realize their hopes and dreams. The World Without Boundaries theme park within Magic World Russia is representative of Gene’s vision to truly create a world without boundaries for disadvantaged children. This aspect of Magic World Russia will be the first of its kind in the world and we are excited to have it be such an integral part of our project.”

    About Moschanko Investment Group (MIG 2000)

    Moschanko Investment Group (MIG 2000) is a Beverly Hills, California based corporation with a track record for establishing bilateral business relationships between California and Russia as well as introducing a number of important energy sector technologies and development projects to Russia. MIG 2000 CEO Gennady Moshkovich was responsible for the California State Assembly Resolution establishing the sister state agreement between California and the Russian district of Khanty-Mansiysk in Siberia. In addition, through a subsidiary company of MIG 2000, International Symposium Association, Moshkovich organized and sponsored the Russian-American symposium, “Environmental Technologies for a Healthier World.” This symposium was supported by the United States Senate and in particular, Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer with keynote addresses by President Clinton and Vice President Gore.


  4. admin is online now Administrator
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    Magic World Russia

    Status: announced

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