It looks like Zamperla is working on the 'Fox in the Henhouse' ride, concept art of which can be seen here:
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It looks like Zamperla is working on the 'Fox in the Henhouse' ride, concept art of which can be seen here:
Maybe a stupid question but, where do you find the Legacy Entertainment's artwork? They're incredible!
When the project initiated in 2016, the theme park's designer, Legacy Entertainment, explored a wide variety of attractions and themes with the goal of creating a 'Magic Forest' garden-themed park completely different from anything else available in the Asia market. Whereas most non-Disney / Universal theme parks in Asia put a great deal of value on spectacle and meaningless design features, the Lotte project team put great emphasis on creating a park that was 'human scale', and was more-focused on creating warm, magical spaces as opposed to cold, empty environments.
It is important to note that many of these concepts were developed during the exploratory Blue Sky phase, and are not represented in the park's first phase, under-construction now. However, several do have parcels allocated for them in future phases.