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  1. einekleineemail is offline themeparX Legend
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Can you please provide some photos from Metro Tower or I&M Tower or Wadi Tower or Wadi Walk at City of Arabia, please!

  2. I will try to take a picture.

  3. Guys can you post pictures of the dome please.

  4. Agree with the rest, please post photos of the IMG dome, that would be great.

  5. Yeah is there any new photos?

  6. Cool is there gonna be a picture for the dome.

  7. Since the structure is starting to have a roof top can you post the picture of the dome.

  8. Yay that's cool

  9. I took this photo last week, my company is supplying some products for merchandising to the theme park. So I can officially say that things are moving perfect. They have already begun ordering custom made products just for the theme park merchandise. I went yesterday again and saw that they are closing In the structure and installing other rides inside.

  10. Can you guys post the pictures tomorrow if that's possible.

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