A very comprehensive construction update from ghibli-park.net:
More photos at the source: https://ghibli-park.net/jiburipa-kukoujijyoukyou01/
Send your construction pics to content_at_themeparxdotcom
A very comprehensive construction update from ghibli-park.net:
More photos at the source: https://ghibli-park.net/jiburipa-kukoujijyoukyou01/
Nihon Sekkei, a Japanese architectural design firm, is designing the theme park (in collaboration of course with Studio Ghibli themselves).
Source: https://ghibli-park.net/ghiblipark-koujijyoukyou200803/
Photos of today's groundbreaking ceremony
New elevation renderings
Sources: https://www.ctv.co.jp/news/articles/thmvy5879fi99mgr.html and https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/389446
New concept art released
Sources: https://twitter.com/breeze807/status/1285758659683852289 and https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/92638 and https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN7Q5JPXN7QOIPE017.html
Looks like some of the land is cleared and ready for construction ahead of the upcoming ground breaking ceremony
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCuBBZXJqE-/
Hideaki Omura, the governor of Aichi Prefecture, announced today that the groundbreaking ceremony will be held on July 28 and construction will begin!
Source: https://twitter.com/ohmura_hideaki/status/1282553011894546437
Source: https://soranews24.com/2020/06/03/studio-ghibli-theme-parks-opening-will-not-be-delayed-by-coronavirus-planners-promise/The effects of the pandemic will not be delaying the opening of the Studio Ghibli theme park. Speaking at a press conference, Hideaki Omori, governor of Aichi Prefecture (where Ghibli Park will be located) said that while the start of construction has been delayed by the pandemic, builders will be beginning work next month, and still expect to meet their target of the park being ready to receive guests in fall of 2022.
Current status shows nothing happening yet at the "Youth Hill" area of the upcoming theme park. Here's a description of that area:
Also known as Hill of Youth, this section is based partially on Howl’s Moving Castle. Located at the park’s north entrance, you’ll find a yellow gate and an observation tower, complete with nineteenth-century objects from Howl’s Moving Castle. This section also features European-style brick buildings and buildings reminiscent of the Seiseki-Sakuragoaka Tokyo neighborhood antique shop from Whisper of the Heart.
Sources: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ryx9zJ8dI/ and https://www.jrailpass.com/blog/studio-ghibli-theme-park#Youth_Hill
Any movement on this? I would love to work on this one.