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  1. The Tiger Woods golf course for Dubai has been suspended:

    I have been by the area and they completed about 8 holes. But work stopped and the desert is reclaiming the area. If they ever restart it, then it will have to built pretty much from the beginning.

  2. Amusement park fan is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    Dubai Properties group has taken over the project from Tatweer and according to their map Tiger Woods Dubai (a golf course) is the only project as of right now. They will need to contact every business that pulled out.

  3. Tashak is offline Curious Chap
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    Quote Originally Posted by mona.alzaabi.9 View Post
    Whatever is happening now, there will be money for Dubailand. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum's vision of Dubailand will begin and will happen.

    The Dubailand website has been changed and Dubailand's first theme parks will be Universal and Legoland. Your sources are weak to say that Universal will not happen. Dubai is back and you will see what it will be. Dubailand will be built.
    Mona, we really all hope that it's going to happen at some point. Universal Studios is such a great park, it would be amazing to have one in the UAE!

  4. Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Whatever is happening now, there will be money for Dubailand. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum's vision of Dubailand will begin and will happen.

    The Dubailand website has been changed and Dubailand's first theme parks will be Universal and Legoland. Your sources are weak to say that Universal will not happen. Dubai is back and you will see what it will be. Dubailand will be built.

  5. Universal Studios Doubtful

    For what it's worth, I was talking with a guy who is part of the Yas Island projects in Abu Dhabi, and he's doubtful that the Universal park will ever happen in Dubai (and if it did, it wouldn't be next to the Outlet Mall where the arch is now). There's simply no money for it, and Universal parks are uber expensive. Even though Dubai Holdings still talk about it, that's just for face and marketing purposes, and it's most likely not going to happen. Legoland is the best bet to happen, if anything, at some point.

    On a positive note, he said after the water park on Yas is completed, the Warner Bros. park will happen at some point, though probably not until 2015 or later depending on the numbers.

    In any case, Dubailand is pretty much dead, stick a fork in it.

  6. Amusement park fan is offline Senior Park Investigator
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  7. The most honest CEO ever

    About the Sahara Kingdom theme park:

    In addition, there are plans to restart construction on two signed MENA-run hotels within Al Hokair Group’s Al Sahara Kingdom project in Dubailand next year.

    The Al Sahara Kingdom has been master-planned over a 50 million ft² area in Dubailand, the stalled multibillion-dollar real estate development backed by Dubai Properties Group (DPG).The project includes two four-star hotels, an indoor theme park, restaurants, residences and a retail souk.

    “We will try to [restart construction] of the hotels and theme park in 2013, combined with the apartments and villas.” says Al Hokair Group deputy CEO Sami Al Hokair.

    Stating "we will try" makes Sami Al Hokair a CEO of high integrity. An honest man in Dubailand.

  8. Six Flags annual report
    This is what it says in the 2010 annual report:

    In March 2008, we entered into an agreement with Tatweer Dubai LLC, a member of Dubai Holding (‘‘Tatweer’’), to create a Six Flags-branded theme park in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. We agreed to provide design and development services for the creation of a Dubai theme park, which Tatweer or its affiliate would operate and manage. We also granted Tatweer the exclusive right to use our brand in certain countries for certain time periods including the United Arab Emirates.

    As consideration for our services and the exclusivity rights granted in the agreement, we were entitled to receive license and other fees over the design and development period plus an ongoing royalty fee once the park opens.

    As a result of the recent financial difficulties and the particular effect that the world financial crisis had on Dubai, Tatweer failed to make a payment due to us pursuant to our agreement and since they have not remedied their contract breach, we have terminated our agreement.

  9. Amusement park fan is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    Six Flags Dubailand had started construction but it stopped in Q2

    In the 2010 annual report it says that Dubailand was terminated (I can only link the report page):

    Here is the annoucement page for Six Flags Dubailand:​national/footerNav/​SixFlagsDubailand.aspx

  10. research007 is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    This sounds like they are NOT talking about the Restless Planet dinosaur theme park that was planned/announced for City of Arabia:

    It said in a statement that IMG Theme Park has entered into agreements with world renowned licensors to use their concepts and characters.
    --> world-renown dinosaur characters?

    The theme park is planned to have a total built up area of approximately 1.2 million sq ft, and will include one of the region's largest rollercoasters.
    --> large roller coaster in dinosaur indoor theme park?

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