Dream Island has now shut down until further notice due to the coronavirus outbreak.
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Dream Island has now shut down until further notice due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Some great photos of the now open venue from the air.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=719357075135816&set=pcb.719357375135786
Additional photos of the now open park, but first, a comprehensive and mostly critical review of Dream Island with excellent photos: https://varlamov.ru/3822313.html
Sources: http://strana.ru/journal/25715141 and https://varlamov.ru/3822313.html and https://meduza.io/feature/2020/03/07/vse-rugayut-ostrov-mechty-novyy-moskovskiy-park-razvlecheniy-kotoryy-nazyvayut-krupneyshim-v-evrope and https://rblogger.ru/2020/03/02/v-nagatinskoj-pojme-otkrylsya-ostrov-mechty/ and https://www.estatepress.ru/view/29664
More photos throughout the park since the grand opening - more posts with photos and videos will continue to be posted as rides open
Check back soon for many more images from the first week of operations and beyond
Sources: https://rg.ru/2020/02/29/reg-cfo/v-moskve-otkrylsia-park-ostrov-mechty.html and https://www.business-gazeta.ru/photo/459578 and http://strana.ru/journal/25715141
Exploring Moscow's new theme park Dream Island on its opening day as a guest for the media event, I got to know a couple of Russian words pretty well: Скоро открытие.
Translated, it means "opening soon." The Intamin launched coaster that bursts out of the walls of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed New York section? Скоро открытие. Dinosaur-themed flying theatre? Скоро открытие. Hotel Transylvania ride housed in a massive, imposing show building? Скоро открытие. Snow Queen 3D show in the park's centrepiece frozen castle? Yep, you guessed it.
But while Dream Island might lack the nuance or imaginative detail of a Disney or Universal, it's a clear step above many of the knock-off parks we've seen in the emerging Asian markets.
And crucially, this is a significant theme park for a market that currently didn't have one. A market where, for most people who are likely to visit, a "Disneyland" isn't a specific property owned by one company, but a catch-all term for the kind of designed space they've seen the world over but had little chance to experience themselves. A disneyland, rather than a Disneyland, if you will.
Source: https://www.themeparkinsider.com/flume/202003/7297/
Today, February 29, is the official grand opening of Dream Island! Additional posts with more photos and videos and will be made soon.
Source: https://www.mskagency.ru/materials/2977671
Directly from the kremlin.ru site, Vladimir Putin and the mayor of Moscow getting their Dream Island preview:
Dreams have already begun to come true!
The first visitors of the theme park were the first visitors of the theme park were the first visitors of the theme park. Great positive emotions from rides, laughter at funny characters and the joy of diving into a fairy tale has filled "Dream Island" throughout the day!
The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and the mayor of Moscow Sergey Vladimirovich Putin and the mayor of Moscow Sergey Semyonovich. A tour of the theme park for the guests was held by the chairman of the board of Directors of the "Dream Island" by Amiran Mucoev.
For all visitors, the park will open on February 29-the festive show program in the city promenade is waiting for all visitors! Free entry!
Source: https://www.facebook.com/ostrovmechtipark/photos/pcb.708013176270206/708012746270249/?type=3&theater
Sources: https://goo.gl/maps/zzAozCiFSFcVxfJG6 and https://goo.gl/maps/8RLnATfgatAHwDTs5 and https://goo.gl/maps/iwvQzVawuXpYvSdc6 and https://goo.gl/maps/fzajChvJQMtqEHWb7 and https://goo.gl/maps/LqEY1RKXeuQwVj9m8 and https://goo.gl/maps/ZGMXtqLU4MfYo3YA6 and https://goo.gl/maps/BWc9WeECGD1KWuWM8 and https://goo.gl/maps/m3N3KfemNvR78rNg8 and https://goo.gl/maps/ptmctUMDmCBBgUAUA and https://goo.gl/maps/EiTfqaSJqHs4Q4jF6 and https://goo.gl/maps/EndhBng4wBT8hXCq5 and https://goo.gl/maps/LZfL9N4uHZjeCcAG9 and https://goo.gl/maps/J3qb5aegJ6AGqXXm7
One week until the grand opening! Construction update (plus park map) part #2:
Sources: https://dreamisland.ru/park/active-map/ and https://goo.gl/maps/HYCLMpDBXN3TtQW8A and https://goo.gl/maps/fsY1QyRGLs588kaj7 and https://goo.gl/maps/fMDgWVbpKqngX6it5 and https://goo.gl/maps/ndVBTdRTbo7RwWyB7 and https://goo.gl/maps/FCtyCNcyBWa46nmR8 and https://goo.gl/maps/mhd5rmyHg55Zs8xQ8 and https://goo.gl/maps/JeHH8UWpDS2GUXLn6 and https://goo.gl/maps/qaNSGEgtXwcSHc9i8 and https://vk.com/wall24623217_15834