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Construction is in full swing right now with over 1000 workers on site daily
Now it´s official, that the themepark and the whole area is opening in 2019!
At the moment it´s freezing cold in Moscow, but the construction isn´t halt due the bad weather condition:
Ride installation has begun according to the most recent press release from Dream Island.
The first phase of the installation of attractions began in Dream Island park, it includes the installation of ultra-reliable individual foundations for each of the 29 objects. The work will last 120 days. During this period of time 4 645 piles length of 70 km will be used, it will be unique and innovation technical work in its scope. The production of attractions has already begun, the firsts of them will be brought in Moscow this spring.The laboriousness of the installation of foundations for attractions is associated with the peculiarities of the soil in the Nagatinskaya floodplain where the Dream Island Park is located and the different magnitude of dynamic loads from attractions. As part of the foundation of the thematic zone, an unprecedented scale work will be carried out to install 6,800 reinforced concrete piles, 2 155 of which have already been installed. The remaining 4 645 piles will be installed for 29 rides.Source: will be unique and the most modern attractions in Dream Island park, which have never been presented in Russia. One of the first attractions of this level and the most exciting is the Dark Ride Coaster with incredible steep turns. Its trucks are able to rapidly accelerate and develop speeds of up to 80 km / h. The whole route of the hill is completely themed from the landing zone until the end of the fascinating trip. The world's leading developer and manufacturer of high-quality attractions for amusement parks - Intamin Amusement Rides (Liechtenstein) is engaged in the design and installation of the Coaster.
Photo from earlier this week