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  1. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    This is exactly the same ride system used in Hong Kong Disneyland's recently opened Mystic Manor, is it?
    Exactly, I don't know, but the two rides are said to be "cousin". Ratatouille will have 3D glasses (I don't know for Mystic Manor). Aside from this fact, the system should be pretty much identical.

  2. This is exactly the same ride system used in Hong Kong Disneyland's recently opened Mystic Manor, is it?

  3. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Jul 2012
    Via InsideDLParis on twitter

    Also, the construction of the restaurant's roof has begun

  4. aleixap123 is offline Curious Chap
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  5. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Finally, Ratatouille may not be named Kitchen Calamity, but something else in french making a pun with the word "toqué", that you can translate by dotty, or can be related to the wor "toque", wich is the name of cook's hat.
    The exterior theming might be done within six months!

    About the ride itself, a few days ago, the Mystic Manor ride opened in Hong Kong. If you haven't checked the videos, I strongly recommend it, it's truely awesome (and by awesome, I mean AWESOME!). My point is that DLP CEO announced that Ratatouille will be Mystic Manor's little brother in terms of technology. This is nothing but good news!
    Furthermore, the ride will have ten stages, including loading and unloading, all happening in or around Gusteau's kitchen. The waiting line will be like Paris' rooftops.

    For more informations (and also my source):

    Let's leave Ratatouille now, and see what's going on elsewhere.
    DLP CEO changed his plans (we don't know the reasons yet: money? WDI? TWDC?) and the next ride will not be Toy Story Mania (until the plans change again), nor Star Tours 2, BUT, some tests have been done (or are still being done) for Star Tours 2 in the Star Tours ride.

    Also interesting, PotC may feature some new effects, similar to what you can find in the US, as a CO2 tank has been settled close to the ride. Apparently it might serve for smoke effects and cascade projections...

  6. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Jul 2012
    It's been a long time without providing updates, but as the inside of the building can't be seen, I thought it would be pointless to show new scaffolding day after day.

    Anyway, here are some concepts for disabled passengers vehicles, brought by Mouetto on DCP

  7. Does anyone know what's happening to the building on the right? Will it get any theming?

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