Send your construction pics to content_at_themeparxdotcom
Not only by Disney, but by Pierre&Vacances also, so this is a common project between two companies. I don't remeber if I have already talked about it, but this is mainly to attract people that are not very attracted by Disneyland Paris itself. I think the main target are the Germans.
New Ratatouille picture:
by MaxFan via DisneyCentralPlaza
Howdy, Folks! I've posted on Disney and more an update about DLP Future with the dates scheduled by Disney Parks in their secret ten years plan for future DLP attractions after the Ratatouille ride. And, because you surely will be surprised by the dates i also explain the reason why these dates have been chosen:
AND, thanks to new infos i had after i posted the first article last saturday i've been able to have an even better vision of what is the truth in all this and posted a "part two" update that should bring better news than the part one. Here is the link for the part two, but you have to read the part one first - at the link above - to understand the whole thing:
I don't know much about Villages Nature, so I may be speaking utter rubbish. But surely if this is being paid for by Disney, the money being spent is be much needed in the existing parks rather than creating this new park?
Village Nature will soon starts its ground breaking . they already removed some trees to prepare the land for the constructions .
Update from this month:
Poor imagineers and construction workers. They have to concentrate with all that yelling and screaming in the background!
Other very interessant plans have been released, I'll post them as soon as I got a decent connection. It's mindblowing in my opinion
An interresting update today, as many plans has been released. RirRac, a DCP member went to Chessy's City Hall and pictured the plans. He seems to have enven more than what follows
This is a view of the whole building, the ride, the waiting line, the restaurant, even the toilets!
There you can take a closer look at the restaurant. As you can see, you won't see it while riding.
You can also see the parts of the waiting line (File d'attente)
There you can see the regular line in red, the Single Rider in blue, and the Fast Pass line in dashes.
This is the full ride where you can see in wich direction the vehicules will be moving
Same picture, but clearer, with no lines
One last image to show you the ride
Red line: ride path
Red dashes: maintenance bay
Blue dots: boarding area
Yellow dots: leaving area
Green: hemispherical screens
Purple: end of the waiting lines
Also, intern recruitements have started for the opening team
Totally of topic, but I'll be working as à Cast Member starting June 8th!