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  1. LeeleeSTAR is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    Jul 2020
    No reason they can't come up with a new Star Wars ride for Paris though.

  2. If Galaxy’s Edge was built in Paris, Smugglers Run would be difficult since there are many languages spoken and you can’t expect everyone to understand English. So if ROTR won’t be built in Paris, Galaxy’s Edge will neither.

  3. LeeleeSTAR is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    Jul 2020
    Thanks for translating. I do think talk of Galaxy’s Edge as a flop are a bit premature. I think most were waiting for Rise of the Resistance to be completed before visiting and then COVID hit. Once theme parks are operating normally again I expect attendance to be up in the parks with Galaxy’s Edge.

    Rise though clearly has massive problems and I don't expect to see it built anywhere else.

  4. Quote Originally Posted by LeeleeSTAR View Post
    Anyone who speaks French able to briefly say what's on the videos? Is it simply that they've heard rumours of a Lion King area?
    They basically said that since Galaxy’s Edge did not increase the number of guests as they expected in the US parks, and because of the high maintenance cost of the RotR ride, a trusted source told them that they are canceling this project.
    Disney have been thinking for a while now about a Lion King land with a ride similar to splash mountain, since the Lion King festival in DLP is so popular, and they are obliged to build something in this location (because of contracts with the French government)

  5. LeeleeSTAR is offline Senior Park Investigator
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    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    No.The projects are public, and we can see very clearly the building's dimensions, which are the same of Rise of the Resistance. Just to clarify.
    Smugglers Run has been immediately excluded because of the several languages spoken in Europe.
    Is there a link to this? A site comparing them etc? I've seen blueprints but not ones comparing layouts etc and had only heard rumours it would be RotR instead of Smugglers Run.

  6. Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    Why is there an Eiffel Tower scene made out of junk? It might just be me but it looks very tacky!
    Being made out of junk is probably the point of it because of Mater's Junkyard...

  7. Why is there an Eiffel Tower scene made out of junk? It might just be me but it looks very tacky!

  8. Quote Originally Posted by Guest View Post
    I’m pretty sure WDS version of Galaxy’s Edge is only getting one attraction, and that it was Smugglers Run... not Rise.
    Tbh, I rather see a new land based on the lion king.
    I'm sure it was Rise of the Resistance - plans/permits had a showbuilding the same size/shape, artists' impressions show an X Wing in place of the Millennium Falcon, and I'm sure I heard a few times that the only ride they'd be getting will be ROTR. I hope so, anyway, ROTR looks incredible.

  9. rlcoolastic is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Cars Road Trip construction progress.

    Source: DLP Rescue Rangers |

  10. I’ve watched these two French YouTube videos. They mentioned that they know some DLP insiders who told them about these plans.
    And it makes sense since a whole Lion King land can be built with the budget of the ROTR attraction alone. Plus the Lion King festival is very popular at DLP.

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