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  1. Tloz, thank you for posting all these insider updates!!

  2. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Jul 2012
    More informations about the ride itself instead of pictures
    (Source: InsideDLParisFR's twitter)

    WARNING, Contains spoilers about the storyline of the ride

    The future zone will have a Ride, a restaurant (likely to be named "La Ratatouille") "service à table" not fast food, not a buffet, toilets, and a street ending on a little area with a fountain. There may also be a boutique there.

    There will be three waiting lines. A Stand by, a Fast Pass, and a Single Rider one. Those lines will be separated, and the 3D glasses distribution will be made separately

    Gusteau's ghost will appear in the waiting line.

    Visitor's will be rat-sized and board the rides over the roofs of Paris in vehicles with six seats

    Theese are gonna be Trackless vehicles , rat-shaped, and will be able to rotate on one axis and move on cylinders. This barely means, a new kind of EMV!

    The 3D parts projected on hemispherical screens will be producted by Pixar and it's going to be very hard to tell whether it's reality or not

    Opening 2014 (?)

  3. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Is this the third gate that has been discussed in the past?
    I don't think so. Gas mentioned a theme park, and for 2030...

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    And how will this effect future updates to DLP?
    If it's work, it will attract many people, but I don't think those people will spend a day in DLP, as this is pretty far away from the parcs, and there is enough to do in the Village.

  4. Village Nature has been announced to open in 2016.

    Is this the third gate that has been discussed in the past? And how will this effect future updates to DLP?

  5. Gbl
    Gbl is offline Newbie
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    New Construction Pics

  6. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    October 5th

    October 6th

    So, the walls of th ride-side are almost finished, so I think it's gonna be hard ton see much more, except if we get the good seats in Parachute Drop, and still, it might not be enough. But the restaurant area isn't finished yet, so we may have some more picture of it

  7. I'm so impatient! I want to start seeing the building! It is looking great

  8. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    A little update of the global upcoming (90% rumors, gossips, indiscretions)

    Toon Studio
    Ratatouille ride is still under construction. The most optimistic guys think it may open for early 2013. The more pessimistic says in summer 2014. Moreover, the building may include some offices (maintenance apparently). And for those who knows theese rides (I don't, so share your experience please), Ratatouille will be a mix between The Simpson Ride and Spiderman (I think they're in Universal)

    Toy Story Playland
    More and More people talks about Toy Story Midway Mania

    Once again, all I know, I've got it from DisneyCentralPlaza

  9. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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    The building seems to have reached its maximum height. We still don't know what are those two arches, but it might be the end of the waiting line and the beginning of the ride itself. It's now almost certain that the brown part on the floor are in the restaurant part of the building.
    And don't forget to enlarge the picture and look at the size of the guy in the middle to realise how large is the construction

  10. Tloz is offline themeparX Top Investigator
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