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Local Name:
20 Sep 2011
Construction Start:
10 Jan 2014
27 May 2017
5 ha

  1. I'd love to see regular updates of this one, as well. But who'd make the effort to rent a chopper all the time? Maybe ask a pilot? The good part is that the airspace above Animal Kingdom is not restricted, unlike above Magic Kingdom.

  2. sithtrr is offline Newbie
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Avatar Land Construction Picture Update

    How often can we get pictures from the air above the Avatar Land construction site. I am excited about this and I have heard from sources that have access to the miniatures, and construction drawings that the floating mountains will blow people's minds. It will be a major break through for WDI. I would love to see bi-weekly pictures. I want to see how this is built.

  3. Land cleared. Avatar Land is a go.
    Source: and



  4. research007 is offline themeparX Top Investigator
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Great Avatar Land news article with quotes by James Cameron. Source: Slashfilm

    Cameron spoke about the park at the Los Angeles Times Hero Complex Film Festival on Saturday May 31.
    At a recent Q&A, James Cameron told audiences what the official name of the newest addition to Disney’s Animal Kingdom might be. “It’s going to be called, I believe, Pandora: The Land of Avatar.”
    It’s going to have floating mountains. It’s pretty cool. I’ve seen the model and the design work the Imagineering people have done is spectacular.
    Of course it’s gonna be gorgeous at night and they’re using every new trick, every new bit of technology that they’ve created.
    The animatronics for the Na’vi characters are gonna be fantastic. For example, their early animatronics would use 12 axis of motion and I think the most they’ve ever done was 32 axis recently. I think they’re up to 64 just in the face of the Na’vi characters. So it’s gonna be remarkable. They really see it as a major, major attraction.

  5. You didn't understand my question all I was asking is can the boat be wheel chair accessible and will wheel chair users be able to get round the new place? Or will it be yet another part that my daughter gets told she can't access if she can't transfer by herself which she can't.

    Yet we still ave to pay full park ticket price for her to all but watch.I read that there was a part that u could virtually invent your own avatar? I know she can't really be avatared... But why not virtually on a screen?

  6. Eh... As amazing as that would be, it's not possible to create that kind of virtual experience (yet). Virtual reality, as of 2014, enables people to walk around in fully 3d-rendered environments... yes. BUT that requires them to have legs they can walk with. A person in a wheelchair would only be able to roll around in that 3d-rendered world in a wheelchair. The technology you speak of, to make them feel their legs in a virtual reality world, is just science fiction. Sorry.

  7. It would be amazing if it was fully accessible to disabled children a huge magical multi sensory experience. My daughter is ten and would be in her element here she could be avatared to walk and talk something she could only do in her dreams...

    You could make her dreams and many children's dreams come true even if it's only for one day. Please make this amazing attraction fully wheel chair usable you would be inundated with special children and give them the most amazing day of their lives and also their family's. Yours pleadingly Jane Robinson

  8. Throughout the park, you can see construction walls and areas that are closed off from public view. That's because Animal Kingdom is in a transformation period that will make the park a true full-day park.

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